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You will need:
- Scrap paper with some colour on – look through old magazines, junk mail, newspapers and wrapping paper
- Scissors
- Clear tape
- Something to wrap the paper around – a pencil or something similar width like a pen, knitting needle, or a smooth stick
- String, thread or wire
- Cut the paper into strips about 8cm long and about 3cm wide, with about 2cm of colour at one end. You will only need a small section of colour on the paper as the rest will be covered up as you roll – so don’t worry if there is text on the paper or if it isn’t all one colour.
- Cut a piece of tape the same width as your paper so it is ready to stick in place once the paper is rolled. For safe keeping, stick the corner of the tape to the edge of the table, or to the tape roll itself or even on the back of your hand.
- Tightly roll the paper around your pencil – keep the colour section of the paper to the outside and at the opposite end to where you begin your roll. It’s a bit tricky, but you’ll soon get the knack!
- Keep tight hold of the roll while you grab your pre-cut piece of tape. Stick the tape along the width of the paper. If this is a struggle and you haven’t got your tape handy, or you’ve lost it, for the next attempt you can stick the tape to the tip of your nose!
- Once you’ve formed your tube you can slide it off whatever you’ve wrapped it around. It might be a bit tight, but it will come off unless you’ve taped the paper to the pencil…
- You can then cut the tube using scissors into straight-sided beads – ours were about 1cm-1.5cm long. You can be accurate or a little random depending on how you want your finished piece to look.
- Once you’ve mastered the rolling technique, you can make the paper strips a bit wider which will mean you can cut them into more beads.
- Thread the finished beads onto string or wire to create a necklace or something that hangs. Build away and display in your home for everyone to see!