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No Hot Glass Demos on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 December.

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An abstract forest scene with four pictured in green boiler suits. One man, situated to the left of the picture sits on the woodland floor looking up. The other three men push against a giant pine trunk. In the distance is a red coloured water slide and a pine lodge. The sky is extremely misty.


Re-imag(in)ing WORK: Photographs from the IPRN Changing Faces Collection

22 Dec 2024 – 30 Mar 2025

Showing in Sunderland Creatives Gallery

Quick summary

Running time
10:00 - 17:00 Daily
  • National Glass Centre

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Event description

Photography by Andrej Balco, Vincent Debanne, Ulrich Gebert, Rob Hornstra, Eija Keskinen, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Xavier Ribas, André Vieira and Tomoko Yoneda.

Re-imag(in)ing WORK explores the changing face of work in Europe, Africa and South America.  Themes addressed include productivity, the decline of traditional and manual industries and rise of service industries, the impact of new technologies upon labour, constructed sites of commerce and controlled natural environments, migrant workers and migration and identity and opportunity in a newly expanded EU.

The Changing Faces Collection comprises works by eighteen photographers created between 2004-2007, commissioned by IPRN (International Photography Research Network), coordinated by the University of Sunderland with key partners Museum Folkwang, Essen, Paradox/Leiden University, the Netherlands, Dom Fotografie, Slovakia and University of Jyväskylä, Finland. A selection of these photographers are presented in this exhibition.


Image credit: Vincent Debanne, Dreamworks #HT5227_PA, Courtesy of the Artist